Friday, December 3, 2010

EVENT: Fort Greene Peace Meeting, 12/6

The next open meeting of Fort Greene Peace will be on Monday, Dec. 6 starting at 7:30 sharp at Tillies (DeKalb & Vanderbilt).

These meetings usually run 1 to 1 1/2 hours. If you plan to attend please try let us know so we can reserve enough
seats in this otherwise crowded venue. Please arrive on time. Thanks.

1. Report on the film screening (Nov.18) and planning for future
events (alternating between film screenings and discussions with
speakers) the third Thursday of each month.

2. Decide if we should begin planning for the second winter Fort
Greene/Clinton Hill Progressives' Pot Luck.

3. Report on & plan next steps for our ongoing petition drive to
Congressman Towns calling on him to continue to oppose the US war in

4. Report on recent meeting with Fort Greene Snap regarding their
work in local school and planning a community meeting about police
stop and frisk tactics and police in the community.

5. General discussion of where we are going through the upcoming
winter and how we are doing in general

6. Report on plan to us the internet for PayPal fund raising.

7. Report on FGP setting up a Facebook account and/or a web site.

Join the Google Group: Fort Greene Peace,
